Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Her First Four Years

This is where Sveta spent the first four years of her life. The baby orphanage in Nikolaev Ukraine.

Seeing the orphanage again is surreal. 
There will always be that four year gap of time in which we know very, very little about her history, her life. There are glimpses though of why certain things may be difficult for her. Babies crying make her cringe and cover her ears. Falling asleep at night is hard, and it took a long time for her to wake us if she was scared, sick or to even use the bathroom, always wondering what will happen the next day, and the next.

She is still learning to feel safe, loved and secure.

Near the end of the video is a shot of the playground and these swings. 

Sveta doesn't remember a whole lot of her early years. She does recall a few things and asks why weren't we there for her through some difficult times. And no toilet. Just little buckets to sit on. She giggles about that.

 As Sveta asks questions about her past, its as if she were just waiting for us all those years.
After we came home we found out from orphanage workers she used to ask "where is my mama and papa?" when another child was being adopted.
Knowing her personality I can absolutely believe she asked this question. 
 She still recalls the day she walked through the door and saw us.
She explains it this way "I never knew I had a family, and one day you came!" She says other things along with it but the point is, she was indeed, waiting.
For someone to walk through the door.
Someone she belonged to.
Her family.
I don't know why God chose us. Why this one little girl. 
I look at her and my heart overflows.
We would have gone anywhere he led us.
But God carried us across an ocean to our daughter.
People say she is lucky.
No, we are the lucky ones.

The organization which provides support to Sveta's old orphanage is called 
They help with medical supplies, diapers, renovations and physical therapy equipment.
It is good to see that this group has taken on helping the orphanage in a very practical way.
When we were there in 2011 we saw diapers (disposable) washed out and hanging to dry. 
Disposable diapers. 
I don't even know how that was possible.
There is one video by this organization which shows children sitting on the little toilet bucket things every three hours because the orphanage workers had run out of diapers. Abundance International said they were just ONE day late bringing diapers. 
That is how very real the need is. 
And most likely why Sveta learned to go to the bathroom on a schedule as well as hold it for infinite lengths of time!

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